How Is Your Health?

Is Your Baby Feeling Under The Weather? 3 Signs They May Need Pediatric Care

by Camila Davidson

If you're a new parent, you have your hands full. If you're like most new parents, you worry about your baby's health, especially right now. With winter in full swing, you have quite a few illnesses to be concerned about. Two of the most serious illnesses include RSV and COVID-19. However, you also need to worry about the common cold, which can also make your baby sick during the winter. Unfortunately, even if you try to keep your baby away from all of the virus germs, there's still a chance that they'll come in contact with something. If you're worried about your baby and you want to know when you should take your baby in for medical attention, read the list provided below. If your baby develops any of these issues, it's time to take them in for pediatric care

They're Refusing to Eat

If your baby has refused to eat and they won't nurse or take a bottle, there may be a cause for concern. Going without feedings can lead to serious health problems, including malnutrition and dehydration. If you've been trying to get your infant to eat but you're not having any success, it's time to contact their pediatrician. Be sure to continue offering the bottle or breast to your baby. Loss of appetite can be a sign that your baby is coming down with something. 

They've Lost Their Energy

If your baby is usually quite active but they're acting tired and listless, it might be time to seek pediatric care. Babies may lose their energy towards the end of the day, but that shouldn't affect the way they behave throughout the day. A sudden loss of energy could be an indication that your baby is getting sick. This is especially true if the loss of energy continues for more than a few hours. If you're concerned about your baby's lack of energy, it's time for pediatric care. 

They're Not Soiling Diapers

If your baby isn't feeling well, it's time to monitor their diapers. You might not realize this, but you can tell a lot about your baby's health by watching their diapers. For instance, if your baby has been vomiting, or has been refusing the breast or bottle, they may be dehydrated. You can identify dehydration by counting the number of wet diapers you change. If your baby has stopped wetting their diapers, you need to seek pediatric care as soon as possible. Their illness might have caused them to become dehydrated. 
