How Is Your Health?

  • Easing Chemotherapy Adverse Reactions

    1 June 2020

    If you were diagnosed with breast cancer, then your oncologist will determine the best breast cancer treatment services based upon the stage and type of your tumor. Treatment options for breast cancer may include surgical intervention, radiation therapy, hormonal treatment, and chemotherapy. While chemotherapy can help reduce your risk for recurrence, it can cause significant adverse reactions. Here are some things that may help ease the adverse reactions from chemotherapy. 

  • What To Expect At Your First Prenatal OB Appointment

    29 May 2020

    Your first obstetric appointment is an important milestone in your pregnancy. By this point, you are generally quite confident you are pregnant. However, you may not know much about pregnancy or what is to come. Knowing what to expect at this first ob appointment will help you feel more comfortable. Here's a look at what will happen. Pregnancy Test You've probably taken a home pregnancy test or two, and that's why you're at this appointment in the first place.

  • Treating A Scrape Wound: What You Need To Do

    27 May 2020

    Wounds such as scrapes that occur after falling off of your bike, scooter or skateboard can be painful. These wounds may not seem severe enough to take yourself or your child to the emergency room, but they may need to be looked at by a physician, which is why urgent care can be helpful. You can go into the urgent care clinic to have the wound looked at and treated as needed.

  • What You Can Expect If Your Doctor Recommends A Sleep Study

    26 May 2020

    If you go to your doctor, and they recommend a sleep study, you might be surprised and confused by the recommendation. However, there are numerous complaints and symptoms that you might not realize would be cause to have a sleep study and to see a sleep medicine doctor. Things like daytime fatigue, excessive sleepiness, tossing and turning at night, or snoring are all potentially signs you need a sleep study. Before you worry about your upcoming sleep study, get to know what you can expect from the process and from the sleep medicine specialist who will read the test results.

  • Keeping Hearing Aids Clean Helps Avoid Malfunctioning

    21 May 2020

    Hearing aids are a necessary tool for people with excessive hearing loss and may help them stay focused and capable of listening. However, these people may not clean their hearing aids often enough, which can result in damage that may require a regular replacement. Therefore, it is essential to get these hearing aids cleaned and maintained regularly to avoid expensive repairs. Dirty Hearing Aids May Lose Some Lifespan A good high-quality hearing aid is one that lasts for years without the need to get replaced.

  • What To Expect If You Need To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Surgically Removed

    15 May 2020

    Most adults will need to have their wisdom teeth removed. There's simply not enough room in the mouth for these teeth, so they end up getting impacted, pushing other teeth out of place, and causing pain. If you're lucky, your wisdom teeth will erupt at least partially so that your dentist can pull them with only a local anesthetic. Unfortunately, some people's wisdom teeth do not erupt at all and need to be removed surgically.

  • Struggling With Back Pain? 3 Ways A Back Pain Management Facility Can Help

    15 May 2020

    Back pain can feel incredibly all-consuming, especially since it can impact your ability to walk, reach for things, pick up things from the ground, and even exercise. Although many people struggle with how to live with back pain, back pain management facilities specialize in the treatment of this common condition, helping people to return to normal lives and full function. Here are three ways a back pain management facility could help you.

  • What Can You Do To Help Your Teen Through Addiction Recovery?

    13 May 2020

    Having a teen struggle with drug addiction can be heartbreaking. They're so young, and watching them wrestle with something so big can make you feel helpless. But there is actually a lot you can do as a parent to help your teen navigate this challenging time. Enrolling them in a drug rehab program is an important first step — and then you'll need to support them through that therapy in the following ways.

  • Top Mistakes You Shouldn't Make When Coming Up With A Medical Invention

    11 May 2020

    If you are hoping to enter the medical industry by coming up with your own medical invention or if you have been involved in the medical field for a while but are working on your first invention, you might be feeling pretty excited right now. Of course, though, the process of coming up with medical inventions is complex, and there are a lot of mistakes that can be made along the way.

  • Three Reasons Why Your Aging Eyes Need To Be Screened By A Doctor

    7 May 2020

    If you've gone through life with little to no vision defects, chances are you don't see an eye doctor as part of your regular health care plan. However, if you're getting on in your years, you might want to change that going forward. People with aging eyes face significant conditions that can be easily treated by seeing an eye doctor, but without care, they could pose significant risks to your vision.