4 April 2022
Uncovering the Secrets Of Group Treatment Group therapy entails psychotherapy in which the patient meets with a group of people to discuss personal problems and work through them together. It involves an entire group of people who meet to discuss together what they feel, all while in the presence of a professional. Group therapists are there to lead the discussion and guide it productively. The objective is to help each member better understand themselves and their relationships with others.
7 March 2022
If your ability to hear clearly is starting to diminish, you may be dealing with hearing loss that can only be corrected with treatment. Hearing loss services are available to provide people like you with hearing aids or other hearing devices that are designed to be easy to use and highly effective. You'll likely start to notice at least some of the following positive changes after you've received the right treatment for your hearing loss.
7 February 2022
The legalization of medical marijuana is quickly transforming the world of healthcare. You can use the treatment to relieve anxiety, inflammation and kill cancer cells. The medication also works in appetite stimulation and controlling nausea, common in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The best way to help people deal with these conditions is ensuring safe access to medical marijuana, and dispensing pharmacies make this possible. If you are dealing with cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and other conditions that medical marijuana helps to alleviate, you should get your prescription from a dispensing pharmacy.
5 January 2022
If you're a new parent, you have your hands full. If you're like most new parents, you worry about your baby's health, especially right now. With winter in full swing, you have quite a few illnesses to be concerned about. Two of the most serious illnesses include RSV and COVID-19. However, you also need to worry about the common cold, which can also make your baby sick during the winter. Unfortunately, even if you try to keep your baby away from all of the virus germs, there's still a chance that they'll come in contact with something.
1 December 2021
Physical fitness is an important part of overall wellness. It's important for people to get enough exercise and healthy food in a day. However, simple wellness-boosting tasks like stretching are sometimes overlooked. Stretching is an easy and healthy way to keep muscles and joints flexible and limber. Implementing a stretching program at your business can benefit you and your employees in a myriad of ways. Here are four things that a worksite stretching program can do for your business:
29 October 2021
Although most people realize that weight gain is a common problem with age, what many don't realize is that sometimes weight gain isn't connected to age as much as illness. In fact, there are many different health conditions that can also contribute to weight gain issues. Understanding the cause of your weight gain and the difficulties shedding those pounds can help you to seek the right medical support. Here's a look at some of the things that you should know about problematic weight gain and the struggles you may face trying to shed that weight.
29 September 2021
Breast-conserving surgery, otherwise known as lumpectomy or partial mastectomy, removes the cancerous tumor while sparing as much non-cancerous breast tissue as possible. Although this type of surgical breast cancer treatment allows the patient to keep most of their breast, radiation therapy is typically required after surgery. In addition, people who get breast-conserving surgery are typically sent home with drains and sutures, also called stitches, that will need to be maintained. Here are some things you will need to know about your surgical drains and sutures.